Sunday, January 25, 2009


Training is going well! Some days are (and feel) better than others, while some days are ones in which you look outside, see how cold it is, FEEL how cold it is, and you just want to crawl back in bed. Others are full of other daily activities in which I'm involved, thus making training shorter than needed or nonexistent on the rare occasion.

With Katie student-teaching (go katie!) and me teaching, it's hard to find time to get together to push each other in sprints, or to just get some good touches on the ball. It's so hard working out by myself. I think I'd rather roll around in pig manure than workout on my own (oh wait, been there, done that)! But I keep counting down the days until tryouts, and reminding myself that someone out there is training and working out, and if I don't do it, someone will take my spot on a roster somewhere.

"Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming..."