Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I don't have time to write a lot here, but this one thing is for sure-- God is really challenging my commitment to pray more and to spend more time in His word.

Very quickly... I started at my job at the Training Lofte (www.traininglofte.com) on Wed, Feb. 1st.  I was able to sit down with the owner, Jordyn, who basically taught me how to use the computer program to check players and members in, to accept payment and how to schedule/cancel appointments.

Good thing, because on Thursday, when she went in for her doctor checkup (she's having twins in May!), they sent her to the hospital to get some tests done.  Thankfully, nothing wrong.  Long story short, she had to cancel her appointments for a few days.  It is a Godsend that I started when I did!

Now, she was in today again, and the doctor has ordered her on bedrest for the remainder of her pregnancy (not unusual when expecting twins, I've heard).

So I've been praying for her--for safety, for comfort, for relaxation, and for peace.

And I've been praying for me for our clients to be patient and kind towards me as I continue to learn the system and how things work at the Lofte.

Lord, continue to be with Jordyn & her hubby and their two little boys.  Provide healing where needed, comfort in You when needed, and for those little boys to continue growing, knowing that there are so many people praying for their safe and healthy arrivals.  You are God.  You are good.  And we trust in You and Your will.  In Jesus' name, Amen.